About Us

About InMedia

Disinformation impacts our daily lives. It sparks polarization, it acts to confuse us and it ultimately affects our ability to make informed decisions, with direct consequences for our democratic societies. It poses an even greater threat when it weaponizes our differences to harm those most vulnerable. 

InMedia comes in response to these issues by creating an inclusive media literacy program that addresses the needs of youngsters from vulnerable communities and the youth workers who are involved in these communities, with the ultimate purpose of ensuring the transferability of media literacy competencies that they develop. 

Because we value inclusion, we set out to empower youth from vulnerable communities to consume and produce media content responsibly. In doing so, they will manage to interact with media content in order to celebrate diversity, rather than allowing it to put an ever deeper wedge between social groups.

Our Purpose

To sum it up, InMedia is about inclusive media literacy education. Our project sets out to bring media literacy to vulnerable young people with difficult socio-economic backgrounds from Romania, Hungary and the Republic of Moldova, in order to help them develop media literacy competencies and guide them through the cobweb cast by disinformation.

Our Beneficiares

We will be actively working with:

Young People

from communities with lesser access to education (immigrant or refugee communities, ethnic minorities or juvenile ex-offenders, etc.) to develop their media literacy knowledge and competencies, by testing activities from the curriculum we develop, in dedicated workshops;

Youth Workers

who engage with vulnerable youth, in a tailored ToT that addresses the development of their media literacy competencies and inclusive attitudes towards youth who face social-cultural obstacles.

In addition to that, we will facilitate access to the educational resources that result from the project for more than

media and education experts, NGO representatives, and youth workers

interested in media literacy, in ample dissemination events.

Structure and content of the project

InMedia runs across 30 months, starting with May 2021.

The first part of the project will consist of developing a Curriculum on inclusive media and information literacy program for youth workers (IO1). The structure of this curriculum includes 4 modules that approach various media literacy concepts, catered to the identified needs of our vulnerable youth upon ample testing in workshops and adaptation of the final materials.

In the second part of the project, we develop the Methodology and educational materials for youth workers in inclusive media education (IO2),  a resource to be used in extensive ToTs with the youth workers that are involved in the vulnerable communities that the project addresses.

All of the materials that result from our activities will be available on our website and on the ERASMUS + PROJECT RESULTS platform, for open access use.

As part of the project, we will also create various types of resources such as educational videos on topics of media literacy, case studies, and interactive online lessons.

Our Partners

Center for Independent Journalism, Romania

Information of public interest, the right to free and responsible expression, media, civic and human rights education. For more than 27 years, the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) has made sure that they are accessible to all. It is a pioneer and a partner of all those who make democracy the highway of the future. In 2017 it started the most complex media literacy programme in Romania, reaching thousands of teachers and students.

The Civic Resource Center, Romania

The CRC association was established in 2006 to support, promote and develop civic consciousness and initiative in the spirit of proactive democracy at the individual, community and regional levels.

The Turul Madár Association, Romania

Turul Madár has been operating for 12 years as an educational association in Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna county. Their mission: develop and unleash the potential of the personalities of children and youth for the benefit of the community.

Artemisszió Foundation, Hungary

Artemisszió Foundation is a Hungarian-based independent private not-for-profit organization, founded in 1998. Its mission is to encourage continuous dialogue and interaction between groups that are marked by cultural, ethnic, and social differences and to foster their mutual understanding.

The Association for Independent Press, The Republic of Moldova

API is one of the most important Moldovan media organizations providing assistance to independent media. API was founded in 1997 by the representatives of the first local independent newspapers. The main goal of API is to enhance the impact of the independent press in Moldova and bring its contribution to the creation and strengthening of the open society.


Project Name: Inclusive Media Literacy Curricula for Youth
Project Acronym: InMedia
Reference Number: 2020-3-RO01-KA205-095147
Programme: Erasmus+
Key-Action: Strategic Partnerships for Youth
Contact: inmedia@cji.ro
Facebook: InMedia

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